Ep. 27 The Cultural Appropriation of Horizon Zero Dawn


Ep. 27 The Cultural Appropriation of Horizon Zero Dawn

Have you ever had that one friend that makes sure to have an opinion about everything even though they have no idea what they are talking about? Welcome to the internet age, where one person can call out a game for "cultural appropriation" from the reviews alone. Get out of here with that nonsense and play the game before you make baseless accusations! Horizon Zero Dawn does so many things well by normalizing women in power, women of color in power, interracial relationships, homosexual relationships and so much more. So screw this woman for taking away from that.


Ep. 25 Pewdiepie and the YouTube Police


Ep. 25 Pewdiepie and the YouTube Police

In the controversy surrounding Pewdiepie in the past week or so we wanted to put our two cents in. Felix screwed up and he is taking his lashings like a man, but we should not make this into an issue of censorship. The community should stand up and put their money where their mouths are.


Ep. 23 Everything Leads to Horror


Ep. 23 Everything Leads to Horror

After planning to talk about our favorite games of 2016 and the games we are looking forward to in 2017 we ended up talking about horror games... It seems like everything we talk about ends in horror, weird...


Ep. 22 Switchtastic


Ep. 22 Switchtastic

The Nintendo Switch finally has a price and release date... and that is about all we got from last Thursday's press conference. Zelda will be here on launch day but no Mario until the end of the year. Where are the other Nintendo properties? Metroid? F-Zero? Animal Crossing? Chibi Robo? Cooking Mama? We cover all of this and more.


Ep. 21 Goodbye 2016


Ep. 21 Goodbye 2016

As the last show we do in 2016 we would like to tell you guys about the ideas we have for the future. BTW, we are moving back home to Orlando! We talk about a hologram otaku companion and old ladies on a hunt for candles. We will hopefully be back at you some time in January after we get settled in so keep tuned to our Facebook and Twitter.


Ep. 20 The Incredible Indies


Ep. 20 The Incredible Indies

Indie developers are pushing the envelope when it comes to what we can experience in gaming. Specifically in games such as Inside, Firewatch, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, and Undertale. These smaller teams are able to give us complex and meaningful stories that cause you to think and explore in your own way. We also talk about gigantic leatherback sea turtles, dogs finding Grandma by her perfume, and Jimmy Fallon geeking out over the Switch.

Leatherback: https://www.facebook.com/groups/754324561342411/permalink/1195396077235255/

Dogs find Grandma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3S0xoSaouc

Jimmy Fallon Switch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TJ7IUNWGl4


Ep. 19 Diversity in Video Games


Ep. 19 Diversity in Video Games

It is so refreshing to see a main character and their supporting characters as anything other than white guys! We talk PSX news before diving into our main topic where we talk about the refreshing scene we are seeing in games such as Watch Dogs 2, Mafia III, Uncharted 4 and GTAV where we have main characters of color instead of just boring old white guys.


Ep. 18 Alola and San Francisco


Ep. 18 Alola and San Francisco

The people have spoken and they obviously don't care about watching us talk about politics so here is more video game talk. We are reviewing two new games this week, Pokemon Sun and Moon and Watch Dogs 2. I have added the time codes below incase you would like to skip right to the review you want to hear. 

Pokemon Sun and Moon: 2:43

Watch Dogs 2: 29:15


Ep. 17 It's Not Over


Ep. 17 It's Not Over

Donald Trump has won the Presidential election but whether you are happy, sad, terrified or disgusted, you can still make a difference in your community. Hit up your state and local government officials in order to change things in your community. If you did not like how things went on the national scale then now is your time to act and make things right within your community. We also talk about Beyond Two Souls, an 18-year-old dog's last walk on the beach and Kate Mckinnon's tribute to Leonard Cohen as Hillary Clinton.

Dogs last walk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np0aJmlNhzA

Kate Mckinnon's tribute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG-_ZDrypec


Ep. 16 What America Needs To Hear


Ep. 16 What America Needs To Hear

This Election cycle has been one out straight out of a Stephen King novel but that does not mean that all is lost. You have a chance to move this country in the direction that you deem fit by voting for your other officials and amendments. Presidents don't make domestic policy so vote for the senator and congressman that will work for you. Find out what your amendments are really saying and make your mark on your states constitution. This is more than a Presidential election, the other people on the ballot will be working for you whether you vote for them or not so keep them accountable. Nothing will change unless you make it so!


Ep. 15 Halloween Horror Nights 26


Ep. 15 Halloween Horror Nights 26

We give you our review of the houses at 2016's Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando. In short, it was awesome. Hear about The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Bill and Ted, and more. We also let you know if your city is up to the challenge against a zombie apocalypse. 


Ep. 13 PS VR Review


Ep. 13 PS VR Review

We review the highly anticipated Playstation VR hardware as well as the games that we played for it. This includes Batman Arkham VR, Job Simulator, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Eve: Valkyrie and many more. We decided to change up our news segment which was seeming a bit stale to a new segment we call Look What I Found. This week we talk about pubes mailed to the Trump campaign and beating a clown with a baseball bat before running him over.


Ep. 12 Markoff's Haunted Forest


Ep. 12 Markoff's Haunted Forest

If you haven't figures it out, we love theme parks and haunts! We went to Markoff's Haunted Forest right outside of Poolesville, Maryland in the D.C. area. We give our impressions of the haunt while comparing it to the others we have been to. We also talk about Hurricane Mathew and Slayer as well as a Christian mom's Norf Norf rant and a Chuck E Cheese brawl. 

PS VR is out on Thursday and I was one of the lucky few who were able to preorder so hopefully I can put together some let s plays for you guys for the weekend. Have a great week and see you next Monday!


Ep. 11 PS VR First Impressions

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Ep. 11 PS VR First Impressions

I join you today from Earth and Sarah seems to be on a different planet. We talk about playing Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We discuss Trump not paying income tax, and Chipotle delivering via drone. We finish up by giving our first impressions of PlayStation VR with Sarah playing PS VR Worlds and I playing Eve: Valkyrie.

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